
mercredi 23 décembre 2015

Workout du 23/12/2015


3 bar muscle up

Wod Degressif

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Réps
Back Squat
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Dumbel Bench Press
Calorie Row
Heavy Dumbell crunch

Fin de séance
100 Burpees

mardi 22 décembre 2015

Workout du 22/12/2015

50 Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run
21 Thrusters, 95/65
800 Meter Run
21 Thrusters, 95/65
400 Meter Run
50 Pull-Ups

Fin de séance Abs

5 rounds
5 Toes to bar
10 Hollow Rock
15 Sit Up

lundi 21 décembre 2015

Workout du 21/12/2015

WoD Filty Fifty

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Fin de séance


vendredi 18 décembre 2015

Workout du 18/12/2015


5 rounds for time of:
Row 250 meters
45-lb. thrusters, 25 reps
15 toes-to-bars

Running (Fractionné)
8x 400m
1min de repos entre les sets

jeudi 17 décembre 2015

Workout du 17/12/2015

Heavy Deadlift
5-5-3-3-2-2-1-1 Réps

3 rounds for time of:
10 dumbbell power snatches, left arm
10 single-arm overhead squats, left arm
10 L-pull-ups
10 dumbbell power snatches, right arm
10 single-arm overhead squats, right arm
10 L-pull-ups

Use a 55-lb. dumbbell for the snatches and overhead squats.

100 Burpees

mercredi 16 décembre 2015

Workout du 16/12/2015

WoD 300

25 tractions pronation
50 soulevés de terre barre à 60 kg
50 pompes prise large
50 sauts sur un banc à 60 cm de hauteur
50 relevés de jambes couché avec une barre bras tendus avec 60 kg (floor wipers)
50 épaulés-jetés d’une main avec haltère de 16 kg (ou Kettlebell de 16 kg)
25 tractions pronation


Tripod variation

Tripod Tuck Up to Headstand
Tripod Straddle Up to Headstand
Tripod Pike Up to Headstand  

mardi 15 décembre 2015

Workout du 15/12/2015


Dips lestés (Amplitude maximum = On descend jusqu'au verrouillage des omoplates on remonte bras tendu)
5-5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1 réps (la charge augmente à chaque fois (sauf si echec), pour finir sur un maxi)

WoD (Conditionning)
KB Fever

For time :

5 box jump
5 pompes
5 kettlebell swing
10 box jump
10 pompes
10 kettlebell swing
15 box jump
15 pompes
15 kettlebell swing
20 box jump
20 pompes
20 kettlebell swing
15 box jump
15 pompes
15 kettlebell swing
10 box jump
10 pompes
10 kettlebell swing
5 box jump
5 pompes
5 kettlebell swing


5 rounds for time
5 toes to bar
10 HollowRock
15 Sit Up

lundi 14 décembre 2015

Workout du 14/12/2015

  • EMOM 6 Mins
Bench Press 10 x 60Kg

  • EMOM 6 Mins
PowerClean 5x 70Kg

  • WoD
The Reckoning
Run 1.6km
100 BodyBlasters
Run 1,6Km

vendredi 11 décembre 2015

Workout du 11/12/2015

Séance fast


15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
135-lb. power cleans
135-lb. front squats

Tabata squat
Tabata deadlift, 155 lb.
Tabata squat
Tabata deadlift, 155 lb.

mardi 8 décembre 2015

Workout du 08/12/2015

Front Squat

EMOM 12 Mins
Odd: 5 Rép 80 Front Squat
Even:  5 DeadLift 100kg


Tabata push press, 75 lb.
Tabata sit-up
Tabata sumo deadlift high pull, 75 lb.
Tabata push-up

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments

Cardio Finisher

100 Burpees

lundi 7 décembre 2015

Workout du 07/12/2015

3 AMRAP 9 Minutes (1 Min rest between)

3 teamates


person 1  : 150mRow
person 2 : 15 free squat
person 3 : person Rest

Score = Max Meter row

- 10m OverHead Walking Lunge (20/10)
- 15 Kb Swing (20/12)
- Rest
Score = Number of Lunges


- 0:30 Burpees
- 8 thrusters (20/10)
- Rest

Score = Number of Burpees

vendredi 4 décembre 2015

Workout du 04/12/2015


Split Jerk
=> Chercher son 1 RM


For time:
Run 400 meters
155-lb. clean and jerks, 15 reps
Run 400 meters
30 toes-to-bars
Run 400 meters
45 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball
Run 400 meters
1.5-pood kettlebell swings, 45 reps
Run 400 meters
30 ring dips
Run 400 meters
155-lb. weighted lunges, 15 steps
Run 400 meters

Finisher si le temps le permet = 100 Burpees

jeudi 3 décembre 2015

Workout du 03/12/2015


5 tours de Chelsea
5 Tractions/10 Push Up/15 Squats


Deck of Card à 4
Répartition pour l'accès aux barres dispos

Cœur : Burpee
Carreau : Traction / Box Jump
Trefle : Hollow Rock
Pique : Box Jump /Traction

Jokers : 100 Cal Rameur ou 100 Cal Running
Principe de team => on se cale sur les calories du dernier

mercredi 2 décembre 2015

Workout du 02/12/2015

Skill and Strenght

Front Squat
5x10 rép for load

Gym (Skill)
Front Lever/Back Lever
Toes to bar (Strict and Kipping)

3 rounds
10 Strict Toes to bar
20 Alternating Pistols squats
30 Dips

Stretching, Automassage et Sauna

mardi 1 décembre 2015

Workout du 01/12/2015

WoD Linda

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
1 1/2 body-weight deadlift
Body-weight bench press
3/4 body-weight clean

Set up three bars and storm through for time.

8 x 500m rameur
Repos 1 minute entre les set

lundi 30 novembre 2015

Workout du 30/11/2015

Reprise du training 100% Crossfit

Décrassage nécessaire...


Run 1,6Km
100 Traction
200 Pompes
300 squats
Run 1,6Km

100 Hollow Rocks

vendredi 27 novembre 2015

Workout du 27/11/2015


1. Chin-ups: 1 x max reps

2a. 1-Arm, 3-Second Eccentric Front Lat Pulldowns: 2 x 10ea
2b. Standing DB Side Press: 2x10ea arm

3. Incline DB rear delt fles, thumbs up: 3x15

4. Eccentric BB Curls: 3x5 (“cheat” weight up, lower as slow as possible)

5. 45lb. Plate Core Circuit: 15ea. exercise, 2x thru
 A) Standing Russian Twists
 B) Standing Side Bends
 C) Crunches, feet on flor
 D) Crunches, legs at 90 degrees
 E) Toe Touches

6. Push-up test: 1 x max reps of ‘regular’ push-ups

Finisher : 100 Burpees

jeudi 26 novembre 2015

Workout du 26/11/2015

Team Deck Card WoD (54 cards)

Pique : Plate Thruster (20/10)
Trèfle : SitUp
Coeur : KB Swing (24/16)
Carreau : Release Push Up

Jokers : EMOM 5 minutes => 10 Burpees

mercredi 25 novembre 2015

Workout du 25/11/2015


1.DB Squat Jumps, holding 10lb. DB’s: 5x5

2. 50 unbroken Squats test (Choose your Weight and burn your legs)

3. Low box heel touches: 3x12ea leg => Pistols

4a. Single leg supine hip thrust (foot elevated): 3x12ea leg
4b. DB Side Bends: 3x15ea side

5. Tabata-style Jump Rope: 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Go through this as many
times as you can handle!

Ficnisher : 100 Burpees

mardi 24 novembre 2015

Workout du 24/11/2015


Bar Muscle Up

EMOM 30 Min (Team of 3)

Min1 : 5 DeadLift 100 Kg
Min2 : 10 Toes to bar
Min3: 15 Kb Swing 24 Kg

Finisher : 100 Burpees

lundi 23 novembre 2015

Workout du 23/11/2015


1. *Bench Press: 185 lbs. or 225 lbs. for 1 set of max reps. *If you’re going to perform
the 185-pound rep test, use this warm-up: Barx10, 95x5, 135x3, 165x2, 195x1,
(225x1 if strong enough) *If you’re going to perform the 225-pound rep test, use this
warm-up: Barx10, 135x5, 185x3, 225x1, 275x1, (315x1 if strong enough)

2. BW Inverted Row (feet elevated if necessary): 2xMax (Stop set when you can no
longer touch your chest to the bar.)

3. Barbell Overhead Shrugs: 3x15

4. Rest-Pause Incline DB curls, palms up: (3xMax, 20 Sec Rest): x1

5. “BeZercher” Barbell Complex (Zercher squats, Zercher reverse lunges, curl to press,
RDL’s, bent rows): 5 *descending sets. Rest 60 seconds between sets. *1st set
perform 10 reps each exercise. 2nd set perform 9 reps. 3rd set perform 8 reps. 4th
set perform 7 reps. 5th set perform 6 reps.

Finisher : 100 Burpees

vendredi 20 novembre 2015

Workout du 20/11/2015

WoD Force (CF HQ)

Deadlift 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps

Post total load (add up all six barbell loads) to comments.

"Fight Gone Bad!"

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

jeudi 19 novembre 2015

Workout du 19/11/2015


1. Pull Ups skill : 4 Sets :
5 Butterfly
4 Kipping
3 Strict

2A. 1-Arm, 3-Second Eccentric Front Lat Pulldowns: 2 x 12ea
2B. Standing DB Side Press: 2x12ea arm

3. Incline DB rear delt fles, thumbs up: 3x15

4. Eccentric BB Curls: 2x5 (“cheat” weight up, lower as slow as possible)

5. 45lb. Plate Core Circuit: 15ea. exercise, 2x thru
 A) Standing Russian Twists
 B) Standing Side Bends
 C) Crunches, feet on flor
 D) Crunches, legs at 90 degrees
 E) Toe Touches

6. Barbell Push-ups, descending sets (“20 down to 1”): Perform 20 barbell push-ups,
then 19, then 18, then 17, etc. Rest the least amount of time between sets while still
enabling yourself enough recovery time to complete all the reps in each set.

Finisher : 100 Burpees

mercredi 18 novembre 2015

Workout du 18/11/2015


1. DB Squat Jumps, holding 10lb. DB’s: 3x5

2. Squat or Deadlift: 80% x 4 (105), 87.5% x 2 (112), 92.5% x 1(120), 97.5% x 1(130), *102% x 1(135) *If you get
102% with “room to spare”, you can add some weight and do another single.

3a. Single leg supine hip thrust (foot elevated): 3x10ea leg
3b. DB Side Bends: 3x15ea side

4. Low box heel touches: 2x12ea leg
=> Pistol Squat instead

Finisher : 100 Burpees

mardi 17 novembre 2015

Workout du 17/11/2015

Fun test

Bring Sally Up push ups

Team WoD (2 teamates)

for time complete:
400m Run Together
100 See-saw Back Squats (135)(95)
75 See-saw Burpees
50 See-saw Pull-ups
25 In-unison Wallball
400m Run Together


For quality
100 Hollow Rocks

for time
100 Situp


Bring Sally Up pushup challenge

lundi 16 novembre 2015

Workout du 16/11/2015


1. Bench Press: 80% x 4 (88), 87.5% x 2 (95), 92.5% x 1 (100), 97.5% x 1(105), *102% x 1 (112.5) *If you get 102% with “room to spare”, you can add some weight and do another single.

2. DB Floor Press, palms in: 2 x Max Reps using the same weight (Choose a weight
that you can get around 20-25 reps with on the 1st set.)

3. BW Inverted Row (feet elevated if necessary): 2xMax (Stop set when you can no
longer touch your chest to the bar.)

4. Barbell Overhead Shrugs: 3x15

5. Rest-Pause Incline DB curls, palms up: (3xMax, 20 Sec Rest): x1

6. “BeZercher” Barbell Complex (Zercher squats, Zercher reverse lunges, curl to press,
RDL’s, bent rows): 4 *descending sets. Rest 60 seconds between sets. *1st set
perform 10 reps each exercise. 2nd set perform 9 reps. 3rd set perform 8 reps. 4th
set perform 7 reps.

Finisher : 100 Burpees

jeudi 12 novembre 2015

Workout du 12/11/2015

Séance programmée par Alex, un fidèle partenaire d'entrainement , Judoka vétéran de classe mondial:

Circuit pas mal accès sur le grip :

- 60 Rowing avec saisie kimono
- 2000 m course a pied            
- 50 Burpees                            
- 60 Tirage Menton saisie kim  
- 60 push up                              
- 2000 m Rameur                    
- 50 pull up saisie kimono        

5min de repos

... et un 2eme tour pour le plaisir :)

lundi 9 novembre 2015

Workout du 09/11/2015


1. Bench Press: 50% x 5, 60% x 5
Then => 1 Minute max rep 80Kg

2a. Push-ups: 2x20
2b. Seated Cable Neutral Grip Rows: 2x20

3. Bicep “21’s” (version 2.0): 1 set
=>Perform 7 Zottman curls, then 7 "palms up" curls, then 7 hammer curls.

4. “BeZercher” Barbell Complex (Zercher squats, Zercher reverse lunges, curl to press,
RDL’s, bent rows): 1 set. Perform 8 reps of each exercise w/ just the barbell.

Cardio (fat burner) : 

10 rounds :

10 Burpees
250m Row

vendredi 6 novembre 2015

Workout du 06/11/2015


1. Technique : Bar Muscle Up

2. Drop-Set Front Lat Pulldowns (wide, overhand): 2x8,6,6 (8 reps, drop 20lbs., 6 reps,
drop 10lbs., 6 more reps)

3a. Seated DB “Modifid Arnold Press”: 3x8
3b. Incline DB “cleans”: 3x10

4. Barbell Curls: 5x6 (Super Heavy mode)

5. Core Circuit w/Med Ball: x2
 A) Spread Eagle Situps x 20
 B) Seated Twists x 20ea side
 C) Toe Touches x 25

6. Barbell Push-ups, descending sets (“19 down to 1”): Perform 19 barbell push-ups,
then 18, then 17, then 16, etc. Rest the least amount of time between sets while still
enabling yourself enough recovery time to complete all the reps in each set.

=> Alterné avec 100 burpees :-)

jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Workout du 05/11/2015


Trouver son 1RM au shoulder press

Chelsea (a 4)

EMOM 30 Minutes
5 Pullups
10 PushUps
15 Squats

100 Burpees

mercredi 4 novembre 2015

Workout du 04/11/2015


1. Deadlift: Chercher son 1RM

2. Split Squat Jumps (BW only): 3 x 30sec

3a. DB RDL: 3x10
3b. Plank “shoulder touches”: 3x12 ea shoulder

4. Single Leg “Speed Skater” Squats: 2x10ea leg

5. Tabata-style Jump Rope: Jump rope as fast as you can for 20 seconds and then take
10 seconds off. Repeat this 14-16 times.

Finisher : 100 Burpees


mardi 3 novembre 2015

Workout du 03/11/2015

Chercher son 1RM Back Squat

7 rounds for time of:
95-lb. power cleans, 7 reps
95-lb. thrusters, 7 reps
7 bar-facing burpees

Abs Wod
5 Rounds for quality
5 toes to bar
10 Hollow Rocks
15 Sit Up

100 Burpees

7 DL à 130Kg, vidéo de décembre 2013..J'ai bien progressé!

lundi 2 novembre 2015

Workout du 02/11/2015


1. Bench Press: Chercher son 1RM

2. Alternate DB bench (flt bench): 2x12 ea arm

3. Standing Rope “J” Pulldowns: 4x10

4. 3-Way “Shoulder Shocker”: 2x10 ea

5a. Timed DB Shrugs: 3 x 30sec
5b. Alt. Hammer Curls: 3x8ea arm

6. “BeZercher” Barbell Complex (Zercher squats, Zercher reverse lunges, curl to press,
RDL’s, bent rows): 3 *descending sets. Rest 60 seconds between sets. *1st set
perform 10 reps each exercise. 2nd set perform 9 reps. 3rd set perform 8 reps.

vendredi 30 octobre 2015

Workout du 30/10/2015


1. Pull Ups (Lesté 5/10/15/20/25Kg) = 12-10-8-6-4 réps

2. Drop-Set Front Lat Pulldowns (wide, overhand): 2x8,6,6 (8 reps, drop 20lbs., 6 reps,
drop 10lbs., 6 more reps)

3a. Seated DB “Modifid Arnold Press”: 3x8
3b. Incline DB “cleans”: 3x10

4. Barbell Curls: 4x8

5. Core Circuit w/Med Ball: x2

 A) Spread Eagle Situps x 15
 B) Seated Twists x 20ea side
 C) Toe Touches x 20

6. Barbell Push-ups, descending sets (“18 down to 1”): Perform 18 barbell push-ups,
then 17, then 16, then 15, etc. Rest the least amount of time between sets while still
enabling yourself enough recovery time to complete all the reps in each set.



jeudi 29 octobre 2015

Workout du 29/10/2015


Wendler Shoulder Press Week 3 (bis)
Shoulder Press mode Wendler week3  :
75%x5 (47kg), 85%x3 (53kg), 95%x1+ (60kg max rép)
Base maxi = 90% de 70kg = 63kg

Team WoD à 3

30 Minute running Clock

Minute 1 : 10 Power Clean (55Kg)
Minute 2 : 10 kb Swing 24 kg
Minute 3 : 10 burpees

=> Celui qui lâche est une merde et doit donc faire 100 Burpees bonus

Bonus Abs

5 Rounds
5 Toes to bar
10 Hollow Rocks
15 Sit Ups

mercredi 28 octobre 2015

Workout du 28/10/2015


1. Force Back Squat
Wenlder Week3 (bis)

Warm up : 5x 40%(50kg), 5x50% (60), 3 x60% (70)
Set 1 75% x 5 (90)
Set 2 85% x 3 (100)
Set 3 95% x 1+ (110)

Sur le dernier set, ne pas aller à l’échec, la dernière rép doit passer!

2. Split Squat Jumps (BW only): 3 x 20sec.

3a. DB RDL: 3x12
3b. Plank “shoulder touches”: 3x12 ea shoulder

4. Single Leg “Speed Skater” Squats: 2x8ea leg

5. Tabata-style Jump Rope: Jump rope as fast as you can for 20 seconds and then take
10 seconds off. Repeat this 12-14 times.

Finisher => 100 Burpees

lundi 26 octobre 2015

Workout du 26/102015



1. Bench Press Wendler 5-3-1: 75% (77,5) x 5, 85%(88) x3 95%(98) x 1 or more

2. Alternate DB bench (flt bench): 2x10 ea arm

3. Standing Rope “J” Pulldowns: 4x12

4. 3-Way “Shoulder Shocker”: 2x10 ea

5a. Timed DB Shrugs: 2 x 30sec
5b. Alt. Hammer Curls: 2x10ea arm

6. DB Complex (front squat, swings, unilateral curl+press, squat jumps): 5 *ascending
sets. Rest 60 seconds between sets. *1st set perform 6 reps of each exercise. 2nd
set perform 7 reps. 3rd set perform 8 reps. 4th set perform 9 reps. 5th set perform
10 reps.

Finisher =>
10 Rounds
10 Hollow Rocks /10 Burpees

Amazing Rich Froning doing 30 Unbroken Muscle Up (3:06)

vendredi 23 octobre 2015

Workout du 23/10/2015


1. Pull Ups = 5x10 lesté à 10 Kg

2. Rest-Pause, 3-Second Eccentric Front Lat Pulldowns (Wide, overhand): x1

3. Standing DB “Modifid Arnold Press”: 3x8

4. Blackburns: 4 Positions, 20 Seconds each x 2 sets

5. Cable Curls: 3x12

6. Core Circuit: x 2
 A) V-ups x 20
 B) Hip-ups x 20
 C) Alternating Toe Touch (i.e. Right hand to Left Foot, etc) x 15ea side

7. Bodyweight Complex: 5x through, rest 60 sec. b/t sets
 A) Mountain Climbers x 30
 B) Push-ups x 20
 C) Groiners x 10
 D) Burpees x 5

Finisher : 
100 Burpees

jeudi 22 octobre 2015

Workout du 22/10/2015

Force Wendler

Strict Shoulder Press

5x 40kg
5x 47Kg
5x 53 Kg (Max rep)
=> 8

WoD (Officiel du 21/10/2015)
3 rounds
500m Rameur
21 Burpees
12 Thrusters (95lb)
=> 13:59 (temps de merde)

for quality
100 Hollow rocks

For time
5 Rounds
5 Sumo Dead Lift High Pull 75 Kg
5 Bench Press 85 Kg

mercredi 21 octobre 2015

Workout du 21/10/2015


1. Kneeling Jumps (holding med ball or w/ barbell on back): 5x5

2. Force Back Squat
Wenlder Week2 (bis)

Warm up : 5x 40%(50kg), 5x50% (60), 3 x60% (70)
Set 1 70% x 3 (82)
Set 2 80% x 3 (93,5)
Set 3 90% x 3+ (105)

3a. Supine Hip Thrust (shoulders & feet elevated): 3x15
3b. Stability Ball Plank (Ball Under Arms, Feet On Bench): 3x45 seconds

4. DB Reverse Lunge, front foot elevated: 2x12 ea leg w/ same weight as last week

5. Tabata-style Jump Rope: Jump rope as fast as you can for 20 seconds and then take
10 seconds off. Repeat this 10-12 times.

Finisher => 100 burpees

Workout du 20/10/2015

Entrainement Outdoor

400m Burpee frog Jump

=> Finalement  440m en 17min47

lundi 19 octobre 2015

Workout du 19/10/2015


1. Bench Press: Wendler Week 2: 70% x 3 (72), 80% x 3 (83), 90% x 3+ (93)

2. Off-set, Alternate Med Ball Push-ups: 2 x max reps

3a. Seated Cable Rows (Double-D handle): 3x10
3b. Lying DB triceps extensions: 3x10

4a. Cable Face Pull (2 second hold): 3x10
4b. Zottman Curls: 3x10

5. DB Complex (front squat, swings, unilateral curl+press, squat jumps): 4 *ascending
sets. Rest 60 seconds between sets. *1st set perform 7 reps of each exercise. 2nd
set perform 8 reps of each exercise. 3rd set perform 9 reps of each exercise. 4th set
perform 10 reps of each exercise.

samedi 17 octobre 2015

Workout du 17/10/2015

Entrainement en extérieur

EMOM 30 Minutes

Min1 : 15 Pull ups
Min2 : 20 release Push up
Min3 : 15 Kb Swing


100 Burpees

vendredi 16 octobre 2015

Workout du 16/10/2015


1. 5-3-1 pullups lesté (Jim Wendler)

Week1 (bis)
set 1 : 5*5 65% (23)
set 2 : 5*5 75% (27)
set 3 : 5*5+ 85% (30)

2. Rest-Pause, 3-Second Eccentric Front Lat Pulldowns (Wide, overhand): x1

3. Standing DB “Modifid Arnold Press”: 3x10

4. Blackburns: 4 Positions, 15 Seconds each x 2 sets

5. Cable Curls: 3x15

6. Core Circuit: x 2
 A) V-ups x 20
 B) Hip-ups x 20
 C) Alternating Toe Touch (i.e. Right hand to Left Foot, etc) x 15ea side

7. Bodyweight Complex: 4x through, rest 60 sec. b/t sets
 A) Mountain Climbers x 30
 B) Push-ups x 20
 C) Groiners x 10
 D) Burpees x 5

=>100 Burpees

jeudi 15 octobre 2015

Workout du 15/10/2015


Shoulder Press 5-3-1 Week1 (bis)
1RM : 70 Kg
90% = 63Kg

Set1 : 65% x5   (40kg)
Set2 : 75% x5   (47kg)
Set3 : 85% x5+ (53kg)

Wod Total destruction

AMRAP 30 minutes
1 Dips - 1 Traction - 1 Pompe - 1 Toes-to-bar
2 Dips - 2 Tractions - 2 Pompes - 2 Toes-to-bar
3 Dips - 3 Tractions - 3 Pompes - 3 Toes-to-bar

5 rounds for time of:
45-lb. barbell overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
21 burpees

mercredi 14 octobre 2015

Workout du 14/10/2015


1. Kneeling Jumps (holding med ball or w/ barbell on back): 4x5

2. Deadlift mode Wendler  : 65%x5 (105kg), 75%x5 (120kg), 85%x5+ (137kg max rép)
Base maxi deadlift = 90% de 180Kg = 162Kg

3a. Supine Hip Thrust (shoulders & feet elevated): 3x12
3b. Stability Ball Plank (Ball Under Arms, Feet On Bench): 3x30 seconds

4. DB Reverse Lunge, front foot elevated: 2x10 ea leg

5. Tabata-style Jump Rope: Jump rope (Double Under) as fast as you can for 20 seconds and then take
10 seconds off. Repeat this 8-10 times.

Finisher bonus => 100 Burpees

mardi 13 octobre 2015

Workout du 13/10/2015

Back Squat
Wenlder Week1

Warm Up : 50kgx5, 60x5, 70x3

Set 1 65% x 5 (76kg)
Set 2 75% x 5 (87,5)
Set 3 85% x 5+ (99,5)
(PR à battre 21)

7 rounds for time of:
95-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls, 10 reps
10 ring dips

For time:
185-lb. deadlifts, 30 reps
Row 30 calories
95-lb. overhead squats, 30 reps

lundi 12 octobre 2015

Workout du 11/10/2015


1. Wendler Bench Press: 65% x 5, 75%x5, 85%  x 5 or more (Max until failing)

2. Off-set, Alternate Med Ball Push-ups: 2 x max reps

3a. Seated Cable Rows (Double-D handle): 3x12
3b. Lying DB triceps extensions: 3x12

4a. Cable Face Pull (2 second hold): 3x12
4b. Zottman Curls: 3x12

5. DB Complex (front squat, swings, unilateral curl+press, squat jumps): 3 *ascending
sets. Rest 60 seconds between sets. *1st set perform 7 reps of each exercise. 2nd
set perform 8 reps of each exercise. 3rd set perform 9 reps of each exercise.

Finisher 100 Burpee

mardi 6 octobre 2015

Workout du 06/10/2015

Séance avec Elsabre en exterieur

Météo de folie pour ce Team WoD :

300 KB Thruster (2 x 20 Kg)

lundi 5 octobre 2015

Workout du 05/10/2015 [DELOAD WEEK]


1. Bench Press: 50% x 5, 60% x 5

2. Flat DB Press: 2 x 15

3. Seated Cable Rows: 2x15

4. DB Shrugs: 2x10

5. Barbell Complex (deadlifts, bent rows, hang cleans, push press, back squat): 1 set.
Perform 8 reps of each exercise w/ just the barbell.

=> 100 Burpees

Some stretching and mobility exercises

vendredi 2 octobre 2015

Workout du 02/10/2015


1. Remplacement des tractions par 5-3-1 pullups lestées (Jim Wendler)

set 1 : 5*1 80% (29)
set 2 : 5*1 90% (32.5)
set 3 : 5*1+ 100% (36)

2a. Front Lat Pulldowns (Neutral Grip): 2 x Max Reps (w/ same weight as last week)
2b. Standing DB Military Press (Neutral Grip): 2 x Max Reps
(w/ same weight as last week)

3. 1-Arm Cable Rear Delt Flyes: 4x10 ea arm

4. “Run the rack” DB curls, palms up – 1 set (Example: 45x8, 35x8, 25x8, 15x8)

5. Core Circuit: x2
 A) Sprinter Sit-ups x 20
 B) V-ups x 15
 C) Toe touches x 20
 D) Hip-ups x 15

6. Bodyweight Complex – 3x through, rest 60 sec. b/t sets
 A) Mountain Climbers x 30
 B) Push-ups x 20
 C) Groiners x 10
 D) Burpees x 5

Finisher => 100 Burpees

jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Workout du 01/10/2015


Shoulder Press Wendler (Week4 bonus Week) 5-3-1: 80% (50) x 1, 90%(56.5) x1 100%(63) x 1 or more

Technique (Avec les badass)

  1. Squat Clean
  2. Push Press

=> Thruster

Bench WoD (1 à la fois)
Thrusters (95lb)
Pull Ups

=> NEW PR : 3min30

Rest 10  Minutes

100 Burpees

mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Workout du 30/09/2015


1. Squat Wendler (Week4 bonus Week) 5-3-1: 80% (130) x 1, 90%(145,8) x1 100%(162) x 1 or more

2. Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps: 5x5, holding 5lb. DB’s

3a. Stability Ball Hamstring Curls (keep hips up): 3x15
3b. Weighted Spread Eagle Sit-ups: 3x15

4. Alternating Forward Lunge, holding DB’s: 2x60 seconds

5. Timed one-mile run – Faster than Week 2

=> 100 Burpees

mardi 29 septembre 2015

Workout du 29/09/2015


1. Squat Wendler (Week4 bonus Week) 5-3-1: 80% (93.5) x 1, 90%(105) x1 100%(117) x 1 or more

Team WoDs (3 Teammates)
WOD 1:
3 Full Rounds, 1 minute each. Each partner starts at one of the three, then switches on the minute:
Thrusters (95/95)
Toes 2 Bar

Score: total reps

WOD 2:
3 Rounds of
400m Run (whole team)
60 Box Jumps
60 Wall Balls

WOD 3:
100 Clean & Jerks (95/65)
One partner working at a time

Bonus : 100 Burpees (Chacun)

lundi 28 septembre 2015

Workout du 28/09/2015


1. Bench Press Wendler (Week4 bonus Week) 5-3-1: 80% (82,5) x 1, 90%(92,5) x1 100%(102,5) x 1 or more

2. Incline DB Press: 2 x Max Reps using the same weight as last week (2x25Kg)

3a. Bent-over 1-Arm DB Rows: 4x8 ea arm
3b. Triceps Rope Pushdowns: 4x8

4a. BB Shrugs (2 Sec Holds): 3x8
4b. Incline rear dealt fles, pinkies up: 3x10

5. Barbell Complex (deadlifts, bent rows, hang cleans, push press, back squat): 4 sets.
Perform 10 reps of each exercise. Rest 60 sec. b/t sets.

Finisher => 100 Burpees

vendredi 25 septembre 2015

Workout du 25/09/2015

Badass de Franco Week 3 Day 3

1. Remplacement des tractions par 5-3-1 pullups lestées (Jim Wendler)

set 1 : 5*5 75% (27)
set 2 : 5*3 85% (30)
set 3 : 5*1+ 95% (34)

2a. Front Lat Pulldowns (neutral grip): 2 x Max Reps (20-25 Reps 1 st Set, 10-20 2nd Set)
2b. Standing DB Military Press (neutral grip): 2 x Max Reps (15-20 Reps 1 st Set, 10-15 2nd Set)

3. 1-Arm Cable Rear Delt Flyes: 4x10 ea arm

4. “Run the rack” DB curls, palms up – 1 set (Example: 45x8, 35x8, 25x8, 15x8)

5. Core Circuit: x2
 A) Sprinter Sit-ups x 20
 B) V-ups x 15
 C) Toe Touches x 15
 D) Hip-ups x 15

6. 100 push-ups faster than last week

100 Burpees

Abs Core Circuit

jeudi 24 septembre 2015

Workout du 24/09/2015


Shoulder Press mode Wendler week3  : 75%x5 (47kg), 85%x3 (53kg), 95%x1+ (60kg max rép)
Base maxi = 90% de 70kg = 63kg

Team WoD
Murph team

1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run

Run together
Split the réps

Abs WoD
5 rounds
5 toes to bar
10 Hollow Rocks
15 Sit ups

100 Burpees

mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Workout du 23/09/2015


1. Deadlift mode Wendler week3  : 75%x5 (120kg), 85%x3 (135kg), 95%x1+ (155kg max rép)

2. Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps: 4x5 ea leg (BW only)

3a. Stability Ball Hamstring Curls (keep hips up): 3x15
3b. Weighted Spread Eagle Sit-ups: 3x15

4. Alternating Forward Lunge, holding DB’s: 2x45 seconds

5. Timed one-mile run – Faster than Week 1


100 Burpees!

mardi 22 septembre 2015

Workout du 22/09/2015

Force Back Squat
Wenlder Week3

Warm up : 5x 40%(50kg), 5x50% (60), 3 x60% (70)
Set 1 75% x 5 (90)
Set 2 85% x 3 (100)
Set 3 95% x 1+ (110)

Sur le dernier set, ne pas aller à l’échec, la dernière rép doit passer!

Team WoD (à 2)
=> Pour Séb!

Relais 10km rameur
500m/500m x 10

Pendant qu'un rame, l'autre doit faire

5 Pull Ups
10 Burpees
15 KB Swing 20Kg

lundi 21 septembre 2015

Workout du 21/09/2015


1. Bench Press Wendler 5-3-1: 75% (77,5) x 5, 85%(88) x3 95%(98) x 1 or more

2. Incline DB Press: 2 x Max Reps using the same weight (Choose a weight that you
can get around 20-25 reps with on the 1st set.)

3a. Bent-over 1-Arm DB Rows: 4x10 ea arm
3b. Triceps Rope Pushdowns: 4x10

4a. BB Shrugs (2 Sec Holds): 3x10
4b. Incline rear dealt fles, pinkies up: 3x12

5. Barbell Complex (deadlifts, bent rows, hang cleans, push press, back squat): 4 sets.
Perform 10 reps of each exercise. Rest 90 sec. b/t sets.

Finisher => 100 Burpees

samedi 19 septembre 2015

Workout du 19/09/015

Test nouvelle salle Fitlane de Cannes

Badass de Franco Week 1 Day 3

1. Remplacement des tractions par 5-3-1 pullups lesté (Jim Wendler)

Phase 1 = Prise de max

Phase 2 = Week1
set 1 : 5*3 70%
set 2 : 5*3 80%
set 3 : 5*3+ 90%

2a. Front Lat Pulldowns (Wide, overhand): 2 x Max Reps
(20-25 Reps 1 st Set, 10-20 2nd Set)
2b. Standing DB Military Press: 2 x Max Reps (15-20 Reps 1 st Set, 10-15 2nd Set)

3a. “Rolling” triceps extensions – 5x8
3b. Hammer Curls (both arms same time) – 5x8

4. Core Circuit: x2
 A) Toe Touches x20
 B) Bicycle x 30 Total
 C) Side Plank x 30sec each side

5. 100 push-ups faster than last week

100 Burpees

jeudi 17 septembre 2015

Workout du 17/09/2015

Wendler 5-3-1 Deadlift week2


EMOM 10 Minutes
3 Muscle Up

EMOM 6 Minutes
5 Thrusters à 65 Kg

EMOM 10 Minutes
10 Burpees

mercredi 16 septembre 2015

Workout du 16/09/2015


1. DB Squat Jumps, holding 15lb. DB’s: 4x6

2. Shoulder Press mode Wendler week1  : 70%x3 (44kg), 80%x3 (50kg), 90%x3+ (55kg max rép)
Base maxi = 90% de 70kg = 63kg

3a. 45 Degree Back Raises (hold weight plate over chest): 3x15 (Disque de 10Kg)
3b. Seated MB Twists (feet off ground): 3x20 ea side (Ballon de 7Kg mini)

4. Timed one-mile run: You can do this on a treadmill or outside on a track, etc. If you
are unable to run due to injuries, you can substitute this with 2 miles on the exercise
bike or Elliptical. Whatever you choose, make sure you try and complete the distance
in the least amount of time. Record your time!


Bah 100 Burpees!

mardi 15 septembre 2015

Workout du 15/06/2015

Force Back Squat
Wenlder Week2

Warm up : 5x 40%(50kg), 5x50% (60), 3 x60% (70)
Set 1 70% x 3 (82)
Set 2 80% x 3 (93,5)
Set 3 90% x 3+ (105)

Sur le dernier set, ne pas aller à l’échec, la dernière rép doit passer!

Team WoD (à 2)

Relais 10km rameur
500m/500m x 10

Pendant qu'un rame, l'autre doit faire

5 Pull Ups
10 Burpees
15 KB Swing 20Kg

Abs WoD

5 round
5 toes to bar
10 Hollow Rock
15 Sit ups

lundi 14 septembre 2015

Workout du 14/09/2015

Badass programme


1. Bench Press: Wendler Week 2: 70% x 3 (72), 80% x 3 (83), 90% x 3+ (93)

2. Flat DB Press: 2 x Max Reps (w/ same weight as last week)

3a. Seated Overhand Grip Cable Rows: 4x12
3b. Cable Triceps Pushdowns (straight bar): 4x12

4a. DB Shrugs (2 Sec Holds): 3x12
4b. DB Lateral Raises: 3x12

5. Barbell Complex (deadlifts, bent rows, hang cleans, push press, back squat): 3 sets.
Perform 10 reps of each exercise. Rest 90 sec. b/t sets.


Les traditionnelles 100 burpees

vendredi 11 septembre 2015

Workout du 11/09/2015

Badass de Franco Week 1 Day 3

1. Remplacement des tractions par 5-3-1 pullups lesté (Jim Wendler)

Phase 1 = Prise de max

Phase 2 = Week1
set 1 : 5*5 65%
set 2 : 5*5 75%
set 3 : 5*5+ 85%

2a. Front Lat Pulldowns (Wide, overhand): 2 x Max Reps
(20-25 Reps 1 st Set, 10-20 2nd Set)
2b. Standing DB Military Press: 2 x Max Reps (15-20 Reps 1 st Set, 10-15 2nd Set)

3a. “Rolling” triceps extensions – 4x8
3b. Hammer Curls (both arms same time) – 4x8

4. Core Circuit: x2
 A) Toe Touches x20
 B) Bicycle x 30 Total
 C) Side Plank x 30sec each side

5. 100 push-ups as fast as possible: (Record the time it took you to complete the 100

100 Burpees

jeudi 10 septembre 2015

Workout du 10/09/2015

Shoulder Press 5-3-1 week1
1RM : 70 Kg
90% = 63Kg
Set1 : 65% x5   (40kg)
Set2 : 75% x5   (47kg)
Set3 : 85% x5+ (53kg)

WoD (3 participants)
Chelsea +1
EMOM 30 Minutes
6 pull ups
11 Push ups
16 squats

100 Burpees

Quand même...

mercredi 9 septembre 2015

Workout du 09/09/2015


1. DB Squat Jumps, holding 10lb. DB’s: 4x6

2. Deadlift mode Wendler week1  : 65%x5 (105kg), 75%x5 (120kg), 85%x5+ (137kg max rép)
Base maxi deadlift = 90% de 180Kg = 162Kg

3a. 45 Degree Back Raises (hold weight plate over chest): 3x15 (Disque de 10Kg)
3b. Seated MB Twists (feet off ground): 3x20 ea side (Ballon de 7Kg)

4. Timed one-mile run: You can do this on a treadmill or outside on a track, etc. If you
are unable to run due to injuries, you can substitute this with 2 miles on the exercise
bike or Elliptical. Whatever you choose, make sure you try and complete the distance
in the least amount of time. Record your time!

Legacy Time = 7min05

mardi 8 septembre 2015

Workout du 08/09/2015

Force Back Squat

Wenlder Week1

Set 1 65% x 5 (76)
Set 2 75% x 5 (87,5)
Set 3 85% x 5+ (99,5)

Team WoD (3)

EMOM 30 Minutes
Min 1 - Teamate 1 - 30 Secondes GHD static back extension (Avec du leste si possible)
Min 2 - Teamate 2 - 10 Power Clean 50Kg
Min 3 - Teamate 3 - 10 Burpees

Abs WoD

5 round
5 toes to bar
10 Hollow Rock
15 Sit ups