
mardi 29 septembre 2015

Workout du 29/09/2015


1. Squat Wendler (Week4 bonus Week) 5-3-1: 80% (93.5) x 1, 90%(105) x1 100%(117) x 1 or more

Team WoDs (3 Teammates)
WOD 1:
3 Full Rounds, 1 minute each. Each partner starts at one of the three, then switches on the minute:
Thrusters (95/95)
Toes 2 Bar

Score: total reps

WOD 2:
3 Rounds of
400m Run (whole team)
60 Box Jumps
60 Wall Balls

WOD 3:
100 Clean & Jerks (95/65)
One partner working at a time

Bonus : 100 Burpees (Chacun)

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