
vendredi 19 juin 2015

Workout du 19/06/2015



1. Chin-ups (total reps) = chin-up max + 60%
(16-12-10-8 réps)

2. Rest-Pause, 3-Second Eccentric Front Lat Pulldowns (Wide, overhand): x1
(Choose a weight that you can perform 10-12 reps with...rest about 20 seconds and then perform 5-8 more reps...rest another 20 seconds and perform 3-5 more reps. That equals 1 set! (Use the same weight for the entire "set" and take approx. 3sec. to 'lower' each rep.)

3. Standing DB “Modifid Arnold Press”: 3x10

4. Blackburns: 4 Positions, 15 Seconds each x 2 sets

5. Cable Curls: 3x15

6. Core Circuit: x 2
 A) V-ups x 20
 B) Hip-ups x 20
 C) Alternating Toe Touch (i.e. Right hand to Left Foot, etc) x 15ea side

7. Bodyweight Complex: 4x through, rest 60 sec. b/t sets
 A) Mountain Climbers x 30
 B) Push-ups x 20
 C) Groiners x 10
 D) Burpees x 5

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