
lundi 3 août 2015

Workout du 03/08/2015

Reprise des entrainements uniquement "Crossfit"

Aujourd'hui test du WoD Double DT avec le poids officiel => 70Kg

10 Rounds for time

12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk

Le genre de WoD qui démontre que faire du Crossfit c'est savoir envoyer du cardio et de la force sur des exos techniques et pas uniquement se trémousser sur divers agrés avec des charges de pucelle!

Crossfit Games 2007

Crossfit Games 2015

vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Workout du 31/07/2015


1. Chin-ups: 1 x max reps

2a. 1-Arm, 3-Second Eccentric Front Lat Pulldowns: 2 x 10ea
2b. Standing DB Side Press: 2x10ea arm

3. Incline DB rear delt fles, thumbs up: 3x15

4. Eccentric BB Curls: 3x5 (“cheat” weight up, lower as slow as possible)

5. 45lb. Plate Core Circuit: 15ea. exercise, 2x thru
 A) Standing Russian Twists
 B) Standing Side Bends
 C) Crunches, feet on flor
 D) Crunches, legs at 90 degrees
 E) Toe Touches

6. Push-up test: 1 x max reps of ‘regular’ push-ups

jeudi 30 juillet 2015

Workout du 30/07/2015

Team WoD 2v2

Summer Fever WOD (for each team):

- 100 Deadlifts 225lbs (100Kg)
- 100 dumbell Ground to ovrhead 50lbs (25 Kg)
- 100 overhead walking lunges with 45lbs plate (20Kg)
- 100 Calories Row
- 100 toes to bar
- 100 burpees

mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Workout du 29/07/2015



1. DB Squat Jumps, holding 10lb. DB’s: 5x5

2. Low box heel touches: 3x12ea leg  (Remplacé par des pistols squat)

3a. Single leg supine hip thrust (foot elevated): 3x12ea leg
3b. DB Side Bends: 3x15ea side

4. Tabata-style Jump Rope: 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Go through this as many
times as you can handle!

mardi 28 juillet 2015

Workout du 28/07/2015

BADASS (last week)


1. *Bench Press: 185 lbs. or 225 lbs. for 1 set of max reps.
*If you’re going to perform the 185-pound rep test, use this warm-up: Barx10, 95x5, 135x3, 165x2, 195x1, (225x1 if strong enough)
*If you’re going to perform the 225-pound rep test, use this warm-up: Barx10, 135x5, 185x3, 225x1, 275x1, (315x1 if strong enough)

2. BW Inverted Row (feet elevated if necessary): 2xMax (Stop set when you can no
longer touch your chest to the bar.)

3. Barbell Overhead Shrugs: 3x15

4. Rest-Pause Incline DB curls, palms up: (3xMax, 20 Sec Rest): x1

5. “BeZercher” Barbell Complex (Zercher squats, Zercher reverse lunges, curl to press,
RDL’s, bent rows): 5 *descending sets. Rest 60 seconds between sets. *1st set
perform 10 reps each exercise. 2nd set perform 9 reps. 3rd set perform 8 reps. 4th
set perform 7 reps. 5th set perform 6 reps.

vendredi 24 juillet 2015

Workout du 24/07/2015



1. Chin-ups (total reps) = chin-up max + 80%

2A. 1-Arm, 3-Second Eccentric Front Lat Pulldowns: 2 x 12ea
2B. Standing DB Side Press: 2x12ea arm

3. Incline DB rear delt flyes, thumbs up: 3x15

4. Eccentric BB Curls: 2x5 (“cheat” weight up, lower as slow as possible)

5. 45lb. Plate Core Circuit:
15ea. exercise, 2x thru

A) Standing Russian Twists
B) Standing Side Bends
C) Crunches, feet on floor
D) Crunches, legs at 90 degrees
E) Toe Touches

6. Barbell Push-ups, descending sets (“20 down to 1”): Perform 20 barbell push-ups, then 19, then 18, then 17, etc. Rest the least amount of time between sets while still enabling yourself enough recovery time to complete all the reps in each set.