
vendredi 11 septembre 2015

Workout du 11/09/2015

Badass de Franco Week 1 Day 3

1. Remplacement des tractions par 5-3-1 pullups lesté (Jim Wendler)

Phase 1 = Prise de max

Phase 2 = Week1
set 1 : 5*5 65%
set 2 : 5*5 75%
set 3 : 5*5+ 85%

2a. Front Lat Pulldowns (Wide, overhand): 2 x Max Reps
(20-25 Reps 1 st Set, 10-20 2nd Set)
2b. Standing DB Military Press: 2 x Max Reps (15-20 Reps 1 st Set, 10-15 2nd Set)

3a. “Rolling” triceps extensions – 4x8
3b. Hammer Curls (both arms same time) – 4x8

4. Core Circuit: x2
 A) Toe Touches x20
 B) Bicycle x 30 Total
 C) Side Plank x 30sec each side

5. 100 push-ups as fast as possible: (Record the time it took you to complete the 100

100 Burpees

jeudi 10 septembre 2015

Workout du 10/09/2015

Shoulder Press 5-3-1 week1
1RM : 70 Kg
90% = 63Kg
Set1 : 65% x5   (40kg)
Set2 : 75% x5   (47kg)
Set3 : 85% x5+ (53kg)

WoD (3 participants)
Chelsea +1
EMOM 30 Minutes
6 pull ups
11 Push ups
16 squats

100 Burpees

Quand même...

mercredi 9 septembre 2015

Workout du 09/09/2015


1. DB Squat Jumps, holding 10lb. DB’s: 4x6

2. Deadlift mode Wendler week1  : 65%x5 (105kg), 75%x5 (120kg), 85%x5+ (137kg max rép)
Base maxi deadlift = 90% de 180Kg = 162Kg

3a. 45 Degree Back Raises (hold weight plate over chest): 3x15 (Disque de 10Kg)
3b. Seated MB Twists (feet off ground): 3x20 ea side (Ballon de 7Kg)

4. Timed one-mile run: You can do this on a treadmill or outside on a track, etc. If you
are unable to run due to injuries, you can substitute this with 2 miles on the exercise
bike or Elliptical. Whatever you choose, make sure you try and complete the distance
in the least amount of time. Record your time!

Legacy Time = 7min05

mardi 8 septembre 2015

Workout du 08/09/2015

Force Back Squat

Wenlder Week1

Set 1 65% x 5 (76)
Set 2 75% x 5 (87,5)
Set 3 85% x 5+ (99,5)

Team WoD (3)

EMOM 30 Minutes
Min 1 - Teamate 1 - 30 Secondes GHD static back extension (Avec du leste si possible)
Min 2 - Teamate 2 - 10 Power Clean 50Kg
Min 3 - Teamate 3 - 10 Burpees

Abs WoD

5 round
5 toes to bar
10 Hollow Rock
15 Sit ups

lundi 7 septembre 2015

Workout du 07/09/2015

Reprise du badass de Defranco pour 3 séances/semaine sur 12 semaines avec quelques ajustements...

Remplacement de la partie force par la méthode de Jim Wendler (Un peu adaptée pour coller aux semaines du badass).

Tableau Wendler

100% = 90% du 1RM
Week1Week2Week3Week4Week5 (deload)
Bench PressSet 165% x 570% x 375% x 580% x 140% x 5
Set 275% x 580% x 385% x 390% X 150% x 5
Set 385% x 5+90% x 3+95% x 1+100% x1+60% x 5
SquatsSet 165% x 570% x 375% x 580% x 140% x 5
Set 275% x 580% x 385% x 390% X 150% x 5
Set 385% x 5+90% x 3+95% x 1+100% x1+60% x 5
DeadliftSet 165% x 570% x 375% x 580% x 140% x 5
Set 275% x 580% x 385% x 390% X 150% x 5
Set 385% x 5+90% x 3+95% x 1+100% x1+60% x 5
Set 165% x 570% x 375% x 580% x 140% x 5
Set 275% x 580% x 385% x 390% X 150% x 5
Set 385% x 5+90% x 3+95% x 1+100% x1+60% x 5

Rappel pour le dernier set il faut tenter un PR max rép sans JAMAIS aller jusqu'à l’échec. La dernière rép doit être dur mais elle doit passer. Ne pas tenter la rép DE TROP.

Ce qui donne pour ce WEEK1 / DAY1


1. Bench Press: Wendler Week 1
2. Flat DB Press: 2 x Max Reps using the same weight (Choose a weight that you can
get around 20-25 reps with on the 1st set.)
3a. Seated Overhand Grip Cable Rows: 4x15 
3b. Cable Triceps Pushdowns (straight bar): 4x15 
4a. DB Shrugs (2 Sec Holds): 3x15  (2x27,5Kg)
4b. DB Lateral Raises: 3x15 (2x7,5Kg)
5. Barbell Complex (deadlifts, bent rows, hang cleans, push press, back squat) : 2 sets.
Perform 10 reps of each exercise. Rest 90 sec. b/t sets. (Barre de 35Kg/40Kg)

*ab = superset

vendredi 4 septembre 2015

Workout du 04/09/2015


"CrossFit Total"

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

WoD "Tabata Something Else"

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.

WoD Randy

For Time

75 Power Snatch 34 kg